This is the PDF ONLY
No thief should simply be a series of pickpockets and backstabs. They should be dynamic and fun to play. Taking risks and living by their wits is the currency they deal in. There are as many types of thieves as there are leaves on a tree or rats in the sewer.
We have created a 60+ page digest-sized hard-bound book to help new and experienced players and judges alike play the class we all love to hate.
We have created a 60+ page digest-sized hard-bound book to help new and experienced players and judges alike play the class we all love to hate.
Created using the DCC Rule system this can easily be converted to 5e
The Players section includes:
- How to play a thief
- Types of thieves' guilds
- Real thieves cant
- a new set of birth augur
- New tools and tricks
- Guild war tactics
- .... and more
The Judges section includes:
- New pickpocket tables
- A fully fleshed-out guild with a front.
- One of a kind guild-building system
- EZ roll adventure
- Traps
- Rumors and scandals
- Famous NPC's created by our backers.